Monday, July 30, 2012

Wedding Planning Ideas To Make Sure No One Forgets Your Big Day

The happiness and love two people share should always be the most important and memorable part of their wedding day. But considering how much time and effort you put into planning your nuptials it's only natural you want guests to remember some of the details of your big day. There will be an album full of pictures and a loving spouse that will help you share those special moments of your own wedding even though your guests may have several weddings a year to attend and taking advantage of great wedding planning ideas will help yours to be memorable to them.


Some of the most beautiful weddings take place in a hotel ballroom, but let's be honest - it's not one of the most original ideas for planning a wedding. Having ideas for planning a wedding can come from lots of different sources. When you're in the planning stages keep notes on all the interesting places you visit. A unique place that offers a good opportunity for a surprising concept can definitely be memorable to guests. Consider holding your wedding/reception in a zoo, a historic building, a museum, art gallery, classic nightclub or roof garden instead of the standard banquet room.


Good or bad, guests may talk about the food at your wedding long after they've forgotten about those wonderful favors you labored over. Increasing the catering budget isn't necessarily the way to make the food stand out; fried chicken, corn bread, collard greens and sweet potato pie may not be the most elegant meal in the world, but it's certainly delicious, and if it uniquely reflects the wedding couple's heritage or the region in which the wedding is taking place then it will also create a memorable detail.

Guest Participation

Being actively involved in the ceremony is a memory that will stay with guests forever. Have ushers great each guest with a flower. At the appropriate time during the ceremony, whoever is the officiant will invite the guests to place their flowers in a vase on the altar as a symbol of their support for the couple and their vows.

For a large wedding, speak to the officiant about including the guests in the vows. For example, before the bride and groom recite their vows, guests might be asked to answer affirmatively to questions such as "Do you promise to support this couple as they struggle through their first fight as a married couple?" By keeping it light and with a hint of humor, guests will definitely remember how much fun the wedding was.

Regardless of your budget, there are many wedding planning ideas to make yours unique and memorable. As a matter of fact, it doesn't take a lot of money to make touching moments although it does take a little planning and the ability for a little out of the wedding box thinking.

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