Thursday, July 5, 2012

How to choose an Asian Wedding Caterer

Weddings are no longer just and ordinary event, it's a sacred occasion. Asian Weddings have a turn out of hundred and it's important that the preparation for the wedding is coordinated and smoothly undertaken to ensure guests have a pleasant and memorable time at your wedding. Food is one of the most important aspects to consider during the wedding. The quality of the catering is very important as this is what your wedding may be remembered for. Therefore, it's very important to choose the right caterer for your wedding.

Here are some helpful tips to consider and help you choose the perfect Asian Wedding Caterers in theUK:

It's important to hire a PROFESSIONAL caterer who can caterer for both small and large capacities.The first step is to check if the venue allows external caterers.  Ask if they have facilities to prepare the food on-site and if they have a loading bay near the kitchen to allow easy access.Ask your friends to offer any recommendations. Visit the caterer's website and read through their testimonials. This will aid you in the search in finding the perfect caterers for the wedding.

Once you have a shortlist of Asian Caterers, it important to visit each one personally, and interview the caterers, finding about the services on offer and do some food tasting. It also allows you to discuss in-depth the budgetary needs and see if they can work out a deal with you.The next step would be to find the most authentic Asian wedding dish from each caterer. The variety of cuisine in Indian food is extensive, and you want to be sure it isn't too spicy, or not spicy enough. Mark out your favorite dishes in the menu and ask the caterers if they can cater the dish for this many guests and the cost.

Here are some important questions to ask the Asian Wedding Caterer during the interview. This will help you gain more insight and aid you on choosing the ideal caterer:

Do you have a license?Where do you prepare the food?Can you provide a sample menu?Do you provide staff?Do you have a liquor license and can you provide alcohol? 

Going through this process will enable you to make direct comparison with each caterer and will help you find the perfect caterer who delivers quality value for money. Once you have booked the wedding caterers, then you can proceed with further arrangements for planning the wedding. source.