Your wedding day is, without a doubt, one of the most important days of your life. You spend months planning all aspects of the day, to make it perfect. But as the cost of living rises, and our household income shrinks, more and more couples are struggling to afford the wedding of their dreams.
However, the latest trend for doing-it-yourself may just be the silver lining you were looking for. Your wedding day is all about you and your partner, and what better way to put a personal touch on the day than with some DIY touches. Here are five ideas to help you create the perfect, personal wedding:
You don't need to be massively arty to design your own invites. With the aid of a shop-brought kit or a computer, you can create some stunning invites. Handwritten invites always seem much more personal and heartfelt, and the DIY element will only add to this. Your family and friends will love the personal touch, and you can certainly save some money.
Decorating your wedding and reception venue is a great way to add a personal touch. Handmade bunting, table cloths, or centrepieces are a great way to cut costs. With a helping hand from your family and friends, you can make the room an expression of your love. This will also give the room a much more intimate feel, something that can be difficult to achieve at large events.
Florists can be quite expensive, and while flowers are a nice touch they're not essential. You can cut costs and add a sense of personality to your day by arranging flowers yourselves. Whether you just focus on the floral decor, bridesmaids bouquets, or everything; you can show your personality through the arrangements.
Wedding favours are becoming a popular addition to the reception for many couples. They can however, be a little expensive. If you want something other than bubbles or confectionary but can't find room in your budget – do-it-yourselves. There are plenty of DIY kits online and on the High Street.
Everyone wants to capture every moment of their wedding day. But in an age where nearly everyone owns a digital camera and photo editing software, you can do away with a photographer. Ask family and friends to send you all the pictures they take to make your own photo albums. These images will be more personal anyway. You could also give each guest a disposable camera to capture your reception.
Planning a wedding on a budget doesn't have to mean cutting back on necessities. Simply adding a personal, DIY twist to proceedings can really enhance the day. This way, you can make sure everything is perfect for you as a couple. source.