Who doesn't like to sit and look around in the airport? We see so many different people, doing different things. So on my recent trip to Dallas for a conference, I got to the airport early. While waiting for my flight, I was able to sit and relax, listen to my iPod, and people watch.
Whoever thought that traveling, when we have enormous amounts of walking to do, would lead us to wear the worst shoes available flip-flops. Sure, they have their place: the locker room at your gym, inside public showers, around the pool deck, and maybe one or two other uses. But absolutely not in an airport. I mention this for two reasons.
The first seems obvious but overlooked. I guarantee if you ask some of these people they'll tell you it is the convenience of slipping them off to go through security. This baffles me! You mean to tell me that you want to go barefoot through the same path where thousands of people trudge each and every day. Think about it, along with your perfect bare feet walked how many before you with athlete's foot, nail fungus, warts, or flesh-eating bacteria? (Well, maybe not flesh eating, but you understand...lots of creepy crawly bad stuff) How often do you think they shut down the security lines to give the floor a good scrubbing? Ten times? Five? Even once? Unlikely!! Wear socks people. You know that you usually slip on your tennis shoes without tying them again anyway, right?
Second, with the amount of walking in the airports, are shoes without any support or protection the right thing to wear. Which is better? Having a 200 lb. stranger in an airport step on your bare foot, or one protected by a shoe? This is not just for airports. The same applies for malls, Disney World, Six Flags, and most other places you can think of.
Before our first child, my wife and I took the usual prenatal classes. It was clear that the podiatrist's wife (mine) was the only woman not wearing flip flops to each class. Coincidentally, she was also the only woman not complaining about foot pain. Trust me, I know those shoes are fashionable and cute. Is that important when you have to sit down or limp around?
The footwear that you're wearing should go hand-in-hand with your activity. If you need to go barefoot, be sure to protect your feet. Doing a lot of walking? Wear a more supportive shoe. Going out for a night on the town? That's the time to break out the cute shoes.