The open bar has to be one of the biggest cash drainers of a wedding. Some couples will opt out of the open bar in order to save money, and some even consider having a cash bar and have their guests pay for their drinks. I personally would rather not have the bar at all then have guests pay.
But another option that would be less expensive and will still allow your guests to get their little buzz is offering wine at each table and having one signature drink. You can have four bottles of wine per table, maybe offering two whites and two reds. Buy a few cases from your nearest Sam's Club, Costco or even your local supermarket. The supermarkets will sometimes give you a 10-15% discount when buying a full case. If you spend $7 per bottle you are looking at only $280 for 10 tables or 100 or less guests. That's pretty good. If you can spend a bit more you can make a signature drink that takes one or two brands of alcohol and you would only need to get 4-6 bottles to make enough for the entire party. It's a great way to save money while still offering alcoholic beverages.