The big day is here at last! This is your day, where you and your future spouse start out on your new lives together as a married couple. This is a day of celebration and it should start as it means to go on.

For the Bride
Get up early, shower and have a light breakfast. Breakfast on today of all days will be the most important meal that you eat, as it could be hours before you get to eat or drink again, and this will provide the much needed energy you are going to need.
Do not start stressing about things that might be going wrong, there is very little that can't be sorted, replaced, rearranged in the worst does happen. My previous post titled It's my wedding day what could go wrong addresses this. What you need to do is delegate and it will be taken care of.

Enjoy having your hair and make up done, have a glass or 2 of bubbly but not enough to get your tipsy, you don't want to remember your wedding day for the wrong reasons!
Cherish the moments when getting dressed, if you are calm and relaxed you will be surprised by just how emotional and special the moment can be, as you share a special moment with your friends and family, and remember those who maybe can't be with you, in the last minutes before you make a life transition by creating a family of your own.
Many brides have a few jittery moments in the hours leading up to the wedding, this is the day that you have been meticulously planning and organising and its finally here and you start to panic hoping that it all goes to plan, just take a moment, take deep breaths and it will pass. Everyone knows what they should be doing, trust them to get on with it.
You are dressed, have your flowers in your hand and you look and feel beautiful, the car has arrived and its time to go. (or if getting married in the venue, its time to join your guests! ) Before leaving, take a deep breath, relax and SMILE.
Walking down the aisle can be a very emotional moment, no matter where you get married. The ceremony may be the shortest part of the day but it is the most important and most meaningful part of the day. When you say your vows to each other, face each other and look into each others eyes, its each other you are making those promises to, to the celebrant. I have seen so many couples over the years that don't look at each other when saying their Vows, they have missed out on such a special moment where it feels as if it's only the 2 of you in the room. I know that sounds soppy and romantic, but isn't that how it should be on your wedding day? The rest of the day is going to go past in a flash, enjoy every second of your wedding ceremony that you can.
The Groom
Exactly the same as the bride: get up early, shower and have a light breakfast.
You should have everything ready the night before so that there is no last minute panics, your attire is hanging up and ready to wear (Tip if you have a new shirt wash it a few days before - this will avoid any irritation caused by over starched collars and smell fresh too!) You have the rings, your speech prepared, never leave it to the last minute, have everything laid out the night before that way you won't forget anything.
Avoid going to the pub before the wedding, have 1 or 2 of course, but don't get drunk, there will be plenty of time for that later on in the day. This is your wedding day too, enjoy every moment of it.
At the ceremony, when you hear the music begin, turn and face your bride as she walks down the aisle towards you, it's okay to shed a tear when you see her, you are making the woman you love your wife in just a few minutes and the moment can be very emotional.

As she arrives at your side, tell her how beautiful she looks and that you love her, she will appreciate it more than you will know.
After the ceremony if you plan on drinking, try not to consume too much before making your speech, nothing worse than a drunken groom trying to tell his new wife how lovely she looks as he tries to stay upright. I don't think I have every come across a Groom who isn't nervous before making his speech. Hoping that he has covered everything and has practised enough. If you make a mistake just laugh it off. My husband referred to me as "my bride to be & I"! which resulted in much heckling from family and friends, we just laughed it off, what he was meant to say was "my wife and I". I still tease him about it sometimes.
Dinners over and now its time to party... enjoy.
Both of you
When you say your vows to each other, face each other and look into each others eyes, its each other you are making those promises to, to the celebrant. I have seen so many couples over the years that don't look at each other when saying their Vows, they have missed out on such a special moment where it feels as if it's only the 2 of you in the room. I know that sounds soppy and romantic, but isn't that how it should be on your wedding day? The rest of the day is going to go past in a flash, enjoy every second of your wedding ceremony that you can.
The Ceremony is over, it's time for photographs, videos, cocktail reception, wedding breakfast and of course the wedding reception itself. You will probably only come together occasionally throughout the rest of the day as you mingle with your guests and pose for many more photos as the day progresses. Take time out with your new husband for half an hour, whether that's finding a quiet spot in the venue, going for a short walk in the grounds or going to your room, just to enjoy a few precious moments of quiet and share your thoughts on the day so far.
Enjoy every moment of your wedding day, it about both of you and the promises that you make to each other as you start out on your married life together.
Next Week: Planning your Wedding - Part 6 After the Wedding

For the Bride
Get up early, shower and have a light breakfast. Breakfast on today of all days will be the most important meal that you eat, as it could be hours before you get to eat or drink again, and this will provide the much needed energy you are going to need.
Do not start stressing about things that might be going wrong, there is very little that can't be sorted, replaced, rearranged in the worst does happen. My previous post titled It's my wedding day what could go wrong addresses this. What you need to do is delegate and it will be taken care of.
Enjoy having your hair and make up done, have a glass or 2 of bubbly but not enough to get your tipsy, you don't want to remember your wedding day for the wrong reasons!
Cherish the moments when getting dressed, if you are calm and relaxed you will be surprised by just how emotional and special the moment can be, as you share a special moment with your friends and family, and remember those who maybe can't be with you, in the last minutes before you make a life transition by creating a family of your own.
Many brides have a few jittery moments in the hours leading up to the wedding, this is the day that you have been meticulously planning and organising and its finally here and you start to panic hoping that it all goes to plan, just take a moment, take deep breaths and it will pass. Everyone knows what they should be doing, trust them to get on with it.

The Groom
Exactly the same as the bride: get up early, shower and have a light breakfast.

Avoid going to the pub before the wedding, have 1 or 2 of course, but don't get drunk, there will be plenty of time for that later on in the day. This is your wedding day too, enjoy every moment of it.
At the ceremony, when you hear the music begin, turn and face your bride as she walks down the aisle towards you, it's okay to shed a tear when you see her, you are making the woman you love your wife in just a few minutes and the moment can be very emotional.

As she arrives at your side, tell her how beautiful she looks and that you love her, she will appreciate it more than you will know.
After the ceremony if you plan on drinking, try not to consume too much before making your speech, nothing worse than a drunken groom trying to tell his new wife how lovely she looks as he tries to stay upright. I don't think I have every come across a Groom who isn't nervous before making his speech. Hoping that he has covered everything and has practised enough. If you make a mistake just laugh it off. My husband referred to me as "my bride to be & I"! which resulted in much heckling from family and friends, we just laughed it off, what he was meant to say was "my wife and I". I still tease him about it sometimes.
Dinners over and now its time to party... enjoy.
Both of you

Enjoy every moment of your wedding day, it about both of you and the promises that you make to each other as you start out on your married life together.
Next Week: Planning your Wedding - Part 6 After the Wedding