Sunday, March 4, 2012

Warm Up Your February Wedding With Red-Hot Wedding Invitations and Ideas

When one thinks of February, the first thing that comes to mind is often Valentine's Day. While this can be a great theme for any wedding, the month of February can also offer a wide variety of themes. If Valentine's Day is not your style, consider a bright winter theme or even a Mardi Gras theme for your wedding. The sky is the limit when you plan your wedding for February

Wedding invitations and themes
If you do decide on a Valentine's theme for your wedding, start off with a red or pink wedding invitation. Get your guests in the Valentine's mood with this color family and even symbols and images that fit; for example big hearts and cupids are the perfect symbol for not only the holiday, but for your wedding as well.

If your style is not quite in-line with Valentine's Day, you can still start with a great wedding invitation. February is still winter and a snowy wonderland wedding theme can be just perfect. Opt for bright white to mirror the snow and add in your own accent color. It doesn't have to be all red hearts for your wedding invitations.

Typically Mardi Gras falls in February and this can be a great, fun theme for your wedding and wedding invitations. Mardi Gras colors are gold, purple and green. Whether you use them together or pick one as an accent color, you'll have stylish and festive wedding invitations and accents. Mardi Gras always seems to give off a very festive and decadent vibe, translating this to your wedding reception can be the perfect theme for your reception.

Menu and beverages
With the winter weather you might want to consider a hearty menu. If you're keeping with a Valentine's theme, consider a plated menu a deux; pairing delicious seasonal items on the plate. Beyond that, your winter options are endless. Think hearty as the chilly weather will make a warm meal seem even more delicious. Maybe start with a hot soup course and continue with a steak or even pork in a rich gravy or mushroom sauce. A Mardi Gras theme will require a Cajun menu for authenticity's sake. Consult with your caterer for the freshest ideas.

Your bar and beverages can run from the very standard to the wildly unique. Stock wines that will pair well with your menu and think about some signature drinks as well. Pomegranate or cranberry cocktails offer the red to match your valentine's theme. A Mardi Gras cocktail can be anything from Hurricanes, Mai Tais or any bourbon concoction. More winter treats can come from a custom coffee and hot chocolate bar, too. Don't forget its still winter and your guests might enjoy a warm beverage on a chilly winter night.

February is more than just for Valentines, although, that can be a great theme, too. Pick your wedding details and wedding invitations based on the elements from the season that really speak to you and you'll have a stylish and unique ceremony and reception. And keep your guests cozy and satisfied with a hearty menu and beverages and you'll have an unforgettable February wedding.