Several times lately, Dengue disease, better known by another outbreak of dengue fever outbreak started in various areas. Although dengue fever is classified as a long illness, not a few casualties of falling. Already many of the socialization of means of prevention or treatment, but the results are still not optimal. Therefore, it helps us prepare ourselves on how the handling of dengue as early as possible to avoid things that are not desirable.
Maybe you've never heard of the various types of herbs or natural ingredients that can "cure" DBD. Addition to citronella oil to ward off the danger of dengue, people often use kasiat guava. Understandably many people who claim to successfully rescued from dengue fever due to guava juice. Healing / DHF patients tertolongnya thanks guava, may not be as jambunya, but because the liquid juice into the patient's body in large quantities. Liquid, especially if taken up to 5 or 6 cups a day is needed patients who have lost a lot of blood plasma due to decreased platelets. As the main point in the healing of DHF, any liquid, either plain water or water solution of sugar and salt or other fruit juice can help the healing process of patients with dengue fever if consumed in large quantities. Apart from natural ingredients, drinks in cans that contain electrolytes are also recommended be administered to patients. As a guide, here are some kind of liquid that can be given to patients with dengue fever to avoid dehydration:
Although it is medically unproven efficacy, it never hurts to give guava juice for dengue fever patients. Therefore, this exotic fruit contains vitamin C is very high. The content of Vitamin C is present in the flesh. Seeds are often eaten also contain vitaimin C. Mentioned in the book Foods That Heal, Foods That Harm, 90 grams of guava fruit is more than sufficient to meet the daily requirement of vitamin C in adults. Also mentioned, though it lost nearly 25 percent of the vitamin for processing, packaging guava juice box is still a good source of vitamin C.
Thanks to high-dose vit`min C content is, immunity against bacteria in the body will increase. Any wound healing process faster. In addition, blood pressure also improved because the fruit is a good source of potassium. To get the maximum benefit, choose fruit just ripe and still green and yellow. When fully ripe, store in refrigerator. Most importantly do not forget to wash your fruit before you made guava juice.
Coconut water is known to have excellent efficacy and benefits for human health and fitness tubhuh. The UN World Food Programme (FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization) recognizes that the benefits of coconut water as a thirst-relieving substances rich in natural electrolytes. Electrolyte and nutritional substances is more than just a beverage production plant relieving thirst. Mentioned in the official website of the FAO that coconut water is a natural, delicious, rich in salt, sugar, and vitamins needed Olympic-class athletes and amateurs. In fact, the UN agency has patented a nutritious young coconut water it.
Regarding abortion, the young coconut water contained in the mineral potassium, sodium, chloride, and magnesium. These substances are electrolytes the body needs to help address the threat of shock in dehydrated condition. In addition to potassium, it also contains sugar, vitamins B and C, and protein. Composition of sugars and minerals contained in water is so perfect, that mentioned a similar balance in human body fluids.
Lack of fluid due to dengue fever could also be overcome by the water of juice. Do not always have guava juice, you can use papaya, orange, or mango and so on. This is supported by the fact circuitry in fruit water content high count, which varies between 65 to 92 percent, so it can cover the lack of fluid from the blood plasma of seeped out of the vessel.
Michael T. Murray, ND, in his book The Complete Book of Juicing, writing juices readily absorbed because of its smooth and liquid. Nutrients absorbed by the intestine as is known in the form of juice. Means juice helps the body's digestive process by accelerating the uptake of high quality nutrients in the juice
Hexagonal Water
Ap`rt from the ingredients of fruit, also known as traditional Chinese medicine. In the treatment of water has always advocated the consumption of "live". Never mentioned the intention of "life" is. In Korea, people who diligently take waterfalls in the mountains maintained their health, according to Yunjo Chung, MD, a doctor from the University of Korea. Air "live" is probably the water rich with oxygen content as the waterfall.
Korea recently named Actimo successfully patented technology to create a "live water" containing oxygen and sold throughout the world. According to them, in the human body there are two forms of water compounds, pentagonal (pentagons) and hexagonal (hexagonal). Hexagonal and pentagonal distinction is only based on its structure. Pentagonal water molecule to form a series of water with a large group bonding and unstable. Like plain water, hexagonal water is tasteless and odorless.
Wild plant called Latin Imperata cylindrica (L) Beauv has been widely studied. According to Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha in the book Traditional Remedy for the Treatment of Hepatitis, overseas reeds are made of patented drugs.
Research on this plant says, reeds contain mannitol, glucose, sakharosa, malic acid, citric acid, coixol, arundoin, cylindrin, fernenol, simiarenol, anemonin, grit acids, resins, and the alkali metals. Judging from the contents, the reeds are antipyretic (reduces temperature), diuretics (urine shed), hemostatic (stops bleeding), and eliminating hunger.
Traditional Chinese Medicine says, the weeds have a sweet and cool. Effects of this treatment plant enters the lung meridian, stomach and small intestine. With the launch diuretic properties urine, reed beneficial to cure acute kidney inflammation.
Diuretic properties which remove useless body fluids is useful for controlling high blood pressure is likely. Hemostatic properties can stop the bleeding can also be used to cope with nosebleeds and internal bleeding.
These herbs in the body will infiltrate into the lungs, stomach and small intestine. Therefore, weed herb should not be given to those who are weak stomach function and frequent urination.
Reeds plant parts that can be used as traditional medicine is a rhizome, either fresh or dried. Reed materials can be obtained at Chinese medicine shops. Already available are now even drink instant reeds is efficacious in removing heat. This instant beverages are available in herbal shops or Chinese medicine shop.
How to use, take a bunch or roll roots of the weeds. Wash and boil in three cups of water to the remaining one cup. Mix the juice of the orange juice with three tablespoons of the water reeds. Use as needed. Add sweetener if the herb for children.
Angkung believed to help cure diseases meningitis, stroke, brain inflammation, liver disease, seizures, and lack of body fluids as well as in the case of dengue fever. However, very unfortunately angkung very expensive. The price of a pill angkung reached Rp 250 thousand. Angkung is usually sold in packs of pills in Chinese medicine shop.
To buy it have to be careful because the market identified many false angkung. The characteristics of the original angkung include pills wrapped in golden paper after the opening of the box. Angkung pill form or a lunkhead like porridge, supple but easily broken. Other characteristics, quickly dissolves when brewed with hot water, even in less than 1 minute. Authenticity that is easily recognizable characteristics of the outer packaging is a holographic label and sign manufacturers. In addition to its price, the benefits are not immediate angkung after drinking one or two eggs. "The new Angkung felt his usefulness to cope with severe illness after drinking on a regular basis 6 to 8 pills every day," said sinse John, who practiced in East Kalibesar area, West Jakarta.
Utilization of the type of leaves, plant leaves can also be god be used as a substitute angkung. Bush-shaped plant. The leaves are the plants used as medicine. This herb is rich with a variety of chemical constituents such as saponins, essential oils, flavonoids, and tannins. With the chemical constituents of this plant is useful as an anticoagulant (dilute blood clot), stop the bleeding, remove heat, cleanse toxins.
Plants gods are also available in Chinese medicine shop in capsule form. The price is relatively cheaper than angkung.
Maybe you've never heard of the various types of herbs or natural ingredients that can "cure" DBD. Addition to citronella oil to ward off the danger of dengue, people often use kasiat guava. Understandably many people who claim to successfully rescued from dengue fever due to guava juice. Healing / DHF patients tertolongnya thanks guava, may not be as jambunya, but because the liquid juice into the patient's body in large quantities. Liquid, especially if taken up to 5 or 6 cups a day is needed patients who have lost a lot of blood plasma due to decreased platelets. As the main point in the healing of DHF, any liquid, either plain water or water solution of sugar and salt or other fruit juice can help the healing process of patients with dengue fever if consumed in large quantities. Apart from natural ingredients, drinks in cans that contain electrolytes are also recommended be administered to patients. As a guide, here are some kind of liquid that can be given to patients with dengue fever to avoid dehydration:
Although it is medically unproven efficacy, it never hurts to give guava juice for dengue fever patients. Therefore, this exotic fruit contains vitamin C is very high. The content of Vitamin C is present in the flesh. Seeds are often eaten also contain vitaimin C. Mentioned in the book Foods That Heal, Foods That Harm, 90 grams of guava fruit is more than sufficient to meet the daily requirement of vitamin C in adults. Also mentioned, though it lost nearly 25 percent of the vitamin for processing, packaging guava juice box is still a good source of vitamin C.
Thanks to high-dose vit`min C content is, immunity against bacteria in the body will increase. Any wound healing process faster. In addition, blood pressure also improved because the fruit is a good source of potassium. To get the maximum benefit, choose fruit just ripe and still green and yellow. When fully ripe, store in refrigerator. Most importantly do not forget to wash your fruit before you made guava juice.
Coconut water is known to have excellent efficacy and benefits for human health and fitness tubhuh. The UN World Food Programme (FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization) recognizes that the benefits of coconut water as a thirst-relieving substances rich in natural electrolytes. Electrolyte and nutritional substances is more than just a beverage production plant relieving thirst. Mentioned in the official website of the FAO that coconut water is a natural, delicious, rich in salt, sugar, and vitamins needed Olympic-class athletes and amateurs. In fact, the UN agency has patented a nutritious young coconut water it.
Regarding abortion, the young coconut water contained in the mineral potassium, sodium, chloride, and magnesium. These substances are electrolytes the body needs to help address the threat of shock in dehydrated condition. In addition to potassium, it also contains sugar, vitamins B and C, and protein. Composition of sugars and minerals contained in water is so perfect, that mentioned a similar balance in human body fluids.
Lack of fluid due to dengue fever could also be overcome by the water of juice. Do not always have guava juice, you can use papaya, orange, or mango and so on. This is supported by the fact circuitry in fruit water content high count, which varies between 65 to 92 percent, so it can cover the lack of fluid from the blood plasma of seeped out of the vessel.
Michael T. Murray, ND, in his book The Complete Book of Juicing, writing juices readily absorbed because of its smooth and liquid. Nutrients absorbed by the intestine as is known in the form of juice. Means juice helps the body's digestive process by accelerating the uptake of high quality nutrients in the juice
Hexagonal Water
Ap`rt from the ingredients of fruit, also known as traditional Chinese medicine. In the treatment of water has always advocated the consumption of "live". Never mentioned the intention of "life" is. In Korea, people who diligently take waterfalls in the mountains maintained their health, according to Yunjo Chung, MD, a doctor from the University of Korea. Air "live" is probably the water rich with oxygen content as the waterfall.
Korea recently named Actimo successfully patented technology to create a "live water" containing oxygen and sold throughout the world. According to them, in the human body there are two forms of water compounds, pentagonal (pentagons) and hexagonal (hexagonal). Hexagonal and pentagonal distinction is only based on its structure. Pentagonal water molecule to form a series of water with a large group bonding and unstable. Like plain water, hexagonal water is tasteless and odorless.
Wild plant called Latin Imperata cylindrica (L) Beauv has been widely studied. According to Dr. Setiawan Dalimartha in the book Traditional Remedy for the Treatment of Hepatitis, overseas reeds are made of patented drugs.
Research on this plant says, reeds contain mannitol, glucose, sakharosa, malic acid, citric acid, coixol, arundoin, cylindrin, fernenol, simiarenol, anemonin, grit acids, resins, and the alkali metals. Judging from the contents, the reeds are antipyretic (reduces temperature), diuretics (urine shed), hemostatic (stops bleeding), and eliminating hunger.
Traditional Chinese Medicine says, the weeds have a sweet and cool. Effects of this treatment plant enters the lung meridian, stomach and small intestine. With the launch diuretic properties urine, reed beneficial to cure acute kidney inflammation.
Diuretic properties which remove useless body fluids is useful for controlling high blood pressure is likely. Hemostatic properties can stop the bleeding can also be used to cope with nosebleeds and internal bleeding.
These herbs in the body will infiltrate into the lungs, stomach and small intestine. Therefore, weed herb should not be given to those who are weak stomach function and frequent urination.
Reeds plant parts that can be used as traditional medicine is a rhizome, either fresh or dried. Reed materials can be obtained at Chinese medicine shops. Already available are now even drink instant reeds is efficacious in removing heat. This instant beverages are available in herbal shops or Chinese medicine shop.
How to use, take a bunch or roll roots of the weeds. Wash and boil in three cups of water to the remaining one cup. Mix the juice of the orange juice with three tablespoons of the water reeds. Use as needed. Add sweetener if the herb for children.
Angkung believed to help cure diseases meningitis, stroke, brain inflammation, liver disease, seizures, and lack of body fluids as well as in the case of dengue fever. However, very unfortunately angkung very expensive. The price of a pill angkung reached Rp 250 thousand. Angkung is usually sold in packs of pills in Chinese medicine shop.
To buy it have to be careful because the market identified many false angkung. The characteristics of the original angkung include pills wrapped in golden paper after the opening of the box. Angkung pill form or a lunkhead like porridge, supple but easily broken. Other characteristics, quickly dissolves when brewed with hot water, even in less than 1 minute. Authenticity that is easily recognizable characteristics of the outer packaging is a holographic label and sign manufacturers. In addition to its price, the benefits are not immediate angkung after drinking one or two eggs. "The new Angkung felt his usefulness to cope with severe illness after drinking on a regular basis 6 to 8 pills every day," said sinse John, who practiced in East Kalibesar area, West Jakarta.
Utilization of the type of leaves, plant leaves can also be god be used as a substitute angkung. Bush-shaped plant. The leaves are the plants used as medicine. This herb is rich with a variety of chemical constituents such as saponins, essential oils, flavonoids, and tannins. With the chemical constituents of this plant is useful as an anticoagulant (dilute blood clot), stop the bleeding, remove heat, cleanse toxins.
Plants gods are also available in Chinese medicine shop in capsule form. The price is relatively cheaper than angkung.