Saturday, March 17, 2012

Honeymoon on a Budget

It happens to a lot of couples, they spend most of their money on the wedding and have little to no money left for a nice honeymoon. You don't need a lot of money to have a nice honeymoon, it might not be as long as you'd like but it can be just as wonderful. Here are a few tips:

1. Try finding a bed and breakfast in your state preferably in a city you haven't visited, this will ensure you are within driving distance and you don't have to spend money to fly anywhere.

2. Fly out to a nearby state you haven't visited and spend 4-5 nights in a nice hotel. The closer you are to home the cheaper it is.

3. Take a short cruise to the caribbean. You can find great deals which include your flight. Cruises are a lot of fun and take you to several great destinations.

4. My favorite would have to be a week long stay in an all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean. You have a choice of islands that have plenty of all-inclusive resorts for you to choose from. You can get amazing packages for under $2500 (depending on where you are flying from). These resorts include your meals and drinks which is where you spend the most money. You also have several restaurants to choose from for lunch and dinner. Here are some of the places you'll find all-inclusive resorts:

Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico