Saturday, December 17, 2011

Finding a Creative Inexpensive Venue

The biggest part of your budget will probably be the venue, why? you ask, because most likely the venue will also cater the food, most of them won't allow you to bring your own which would be cheaper. If you have 75 guests at $30 per guest (most likely a chicken dinner) that's $2250 just for the venue. Please keep in mind I'm assuming you didn't pay $5000 for your wedding dress. Finding a venue that will be within your budget is not as hard as you think. Here are a few options.

1. A backyard
2. The park (small fee)
3. The beach (Might need a permit, small fee)
4. A restaurant

If you choose the backyard, the park or the beach these are the things you'd have to rent for a 75 guest wedding with the average amount for each.

1. Tent - average $150
2. Tables - eight tables that seat ten $64
3. Chairs (usually $1) - 80
4. Linens for tables (rent online)- $64
5. China - $150
6. Catering for 75 people (buffet style)- $750

For a grand total of $1258 (these prices might vary by state), that's almost $1000 less. Be creative and learn to negotiate, but if you can't, grab that family member that always embarrasses you by asking for a better deal, you'll thank them!