Saturday, October 29, 2011

Weddings on a Budget 5 "quick tips"

1. Consider having your wedding in your back yard, if you don't have one, ask a friend. Reception halls are expensive and most of them don't allow you to cater your own food.
2. If you do get a reception hall, Do a buffet style, instead of serving the food. it will bring the price per person way down.
3. Choose candles instead of flowers for your centerpieces. Flowers can take a big portion of your budget. But if you decide to use flowers, use a lot of filler along with the flowers to bring down costs.
4. Instead of hiring a DJ, use a lap top with downloaded music and some speakers. You'd be surprise to learn that this is what DJ's are using nowadays. if you don't have a lap top, borrow one from a friend.
5. Do you have an artistic friend that's good with photography? ask them to take the pictures of your special day as a gift to you. Be careful with this though, if there's something that might be worth paying for is your pictures and video, these will be your memories.