Saturday, October 22, 2011

Beauty Weddings Table Centrepieces

We are delighted to announce that we are now able to provide Table Centrepieces for hire.    We have a range of centrepieces that will suit your price range.    Our range include floating candles to tall vases with lighting to enhance any venue.   Because all our lighting is portable it can be utilised in both your ceremony and your reception venue, therefore reducing the outlay that normally comes with dressing both areas.

We are in the process of collecting more images to showcase our centrepieces but feel free to give us a call or drop us an email to discuss your requirements.

Our prices start from £10 per piece and we will ensure that you get to view a sample before the event to make sure that you are happy with your selection.

Contact us by email at (putting Centrepieces in the subject line)
Or give me a call on : 07763 642317