Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Texas Governor Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney traded blows in a presidential debate Wednesday night verbal Republican Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California, with all the shots again and political positions of others and record as governor.

While Perry and Romney, standing side by side on the stage, were played in the creation of jobs, social security and health care, other candidates in the battle for the governor of Texas and the favorite again attack this Perry jokingly: "I feel like the pinata at the party here. "

Competition for the battle between Romney and Perry, who split from the rest of the pack in national polls.

Join Perry and Romney on the stage, six other candidates: Rep. Michele Bachmann, Minnesota, Texas, Ron Paul, former CEO of Godfather Pizza, Herman Cain, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, and former Utah governor Jon Huntsman.

There was, however, Perry - who fight occurred three weeks ago - ". Not keep up his record public sector" that was the first attack, while Romney said he had a good record of job creation in the private sector as CEO of Bain Capital,

Romney said that Perry had a mandate from the Republicans, Republican Supreme Court, received zero income tax, plus interest from oil and gas in your state - and could not be said that it does not take advantage of the liberal Romney enjoys from Massachusetts.

"When to say it, it would be like saying that Al Gore created the Internet would be," quipped Romney.

Perry responded with a hard line and said: "Michael Dukakis has created three times as many jobs as he did, Mitt," failed to respect the liberal former governor and 1988 Democratic nominee Bay.

While Dukakis, President Bush lost in 1988 general elections, create more jobs than Romney during his two terms as governor of the bay, not to create three times as high.

Forced to react, Romney said: "Now that, in fact, has made George Bush and his predecessor, jobs at a faster rate than the governor."

"That's not right," said Perry, Romney said he was. In fact, Bush has created more jobs than Perry during his tenure as governor, even without the help of his predecessor, Democrat Ann Richards.

Huntsman said, and that "loved and admired," the two men criticized their two cases, said Perry is not Utah, Texas, was No. 1 in job creation at his clock, and record that Romney had nothing to brag about. "My good friend to be in mid 47 is not always just enough, my friend," he said.

Gingrich called for unity on stage, telling the moderators that the debate was "not in your quest for the Republicans fight among themselves interested." He continued: "We is all candidates on a computer that is the candidate, we are obliged to defeat all of Obama."

Agree on the issue of immigration more candidates, and most of the afternoon it was difficult to attack Obama as President with all the candidates of the occupant of the White House attack was not able to put economy back on track.

Although none of the candidates to raise a hand to the efforts of health care in Massachusetts to support Romney, Perry was particularly critical.

"Texas voters do not want a health care plan, such as what Governor Romney implemented in Massachusetts," said Perry.

Romney defended his efforts in Massachusetts as a solution to a problem of state government, noting that he Obamacare as "bad law" is rejected and immediately try to pick as president.

The first two ranking candidates also clashed over Social Security with Perry a "Ponzi scheme" and a call "monstrous lie, no matter what he says," and Romney defended the program and said that "in no case that I have not ... is a failure. "

"Our candidate should be someone who is not committed to the abolition of social security has, however, are committed to saving the social security," he said.

Bachmann desperately needs a good result after a recent drop in the polls and the exit of two key campaign advisers seemed reluctant to engage his opponents, rather than relying on their fire Obama.

Perry currently leads Romney 29 percent to 18 percent, according to the latest RealClearPolitics average of national polls. It also carries the important early states of Iowa, Nevada and South Carolina, while Romney leads polls in New Hampshire and Florida.

The debate - used instead as part of Air Force One plane of President Reagan and under the watchful eye of Nancy Reagan - came a day before Obama is expected to present its plan for economic talk for a job a joint session of Congress on Thursday evening .

The debate on Wednesday evening was co-sponsored by NBC and political live on MSNBC. NBC's Brian Williams and was political editor John F. Harris moderated.