Friday, September 23, 2011


Protein is an organic polymer compound derived from amino acid monomers that have a peptide bond. The term protein comes from the Greek word "protos" which means "most important".

Proteins have a very important role in the function and structure of all living cells. This is because the protein molecules contain oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sulfur. Some proteins also contain phosphorus.

Protein was first discovered in 1838 by Jöns Jakob Berzelius. Protein is one of the giants of biomolecules that play a role as a major component blocks of living beings. Proteins carry genetic code of DNA and RNA.

Some foods can be a source of protein are: meat, eggs, fish, dairy, grains, potatoes, beans, and legumes.

A biochemist USA and also Professor for biochemistry at Yale named Thomas Osborne Mendel did an experiment Lafayete protein to rabbits in 1914. A group of rabbits fed animal protein. Another group fed vegetable protein. The results of this experiment is the rabbits fed animal protein on weight faster than rabbits fed vegetable protein foods.

Another study conducted by a researcher named McCay of the University of Berkeley. The experiment is shown that rabbits fed vegetable protein can live healthier and live two times longer than the others.

Benefits of Protein

The benefits of protein for our body are numerous. Protein greatly affect the growth process of our body. Among the benefits of protein are as follows:
1. As the enzyme. Protein has a major role to speed up biological reactions.
2. As a means of conveyance and storage. Proteins contained in the hemoglobin can transport oxygen in the erythrocytes. The protein in myoglobin can transport oxygen in muscle.
3. Support for the mechanical. One-shaped protein called collagen fibers have the function to maintain the strength and durability of bone and skin.
4. Defense as body or bodies of Defense immunization. These proteins are commonly used in the form of antibodies.
5. As a nerve impulse propagation media.
6. As a growth control.