Emergency on human health is something that often happens anywhere & anytime, even often occurs suddenly due to various disasters. When these circumstances occur, many people around the patient to feel panicky & confused how to help sufferers, while nearby there is no health worker who can help.
This fact can be overcome if the public knows & trained to provide first aid or basic life support to health emergencies. By knowing or have been trained to perform basic life support, communities can help patients who experience medical emergencies without the need to feel panic or confusion.
It is advisable to follow the lectures or training of basic life support (basic life support) is widely held by various groups or be part of training in a group of nature lovers, youth red cross, or a scout. Community groups can also ask your doctor / nurse to give a lecture / training on basic life support.
Whatever the cause of emergencies in the patient, try to immediately remove the patient from the cause & take the patient to safety before being helped. Except, if the patient experienced a fracture is suspected neck or back, then the patient should not be moved / driven without instructions from health professionals to prevent sudden death or paralysis due to disruption of nerve tissue in the spine.
The thing to remember, not to be helped to rescue victims. Secure self-help & place first before rendering aid. For example, if the patient electric shock, make sure the electricity has been turned off. If the patient suffered a traffic accident, take the patient off the road before you start helped.
This fact can be overcome if the public knows & trained to provide first aid or basic life support to health emergencies. By knowing or have been trained to perform basic life support, communities can help patients who experience medical emergencies without the need to feel panic or confusion.
It is advisable to follow the lectures or training of basic life support (basic life support) is widely held by various groups or be part of training in a group of nature lovers, youth red cross, or a scout. Community groups can also ask your doctor / nurse to give a lecture / training on basic life support.
Whatever the cause of emergencies in the patient, try to immediately remove the patient from the cause & take the patient to safety before being helped. Except, if the patient experienced a fracture is suspected neck or back, then the patient should not be moved / driven without instructions from health professionals to prevent sudden death or paralysis due to disruption of nerve tissue in the spine.
The thing to remember, not to be helped to rescue victims. Secure self-help & place first before rendering aid. For example, if the patient electric shock, make sure the electricity has been turned off. If the patient suffered a traffic accident, take the patient off the road before you start helped.