Monday, August 8, 2011

Be Careful Praising Children

Giving praise to the child, for some parents, a tool used to encourage children to do something.

With compliments, parents want to tell the children that they were pleased with the child's ability. However, keep in mind that the results are an effective way.

According to Robin Goldstein, an expert in child development at the University of Jon Hopkins, a compliment can have a negative effect if done too often and not in reasonable condition.

A child has a strong incentive to settle things his own way and do it.

He became eager to learn, motivated to try new things, intending to imitate adults.

Recognizing this capability, the parents need to be careful to praise the child. Need to determine what activities need to be a compliment.

When parents give praise for the success of children, to consider whether the praise is a positive impact.

For example, whether to perform simple tasks such as being able to use the restroom or eat just need praise.

When excessive attention, the child thinks that he did that for parents, not his own satisfaction. A child who was praised for its success will begin to mistrust and lack of confidence in his ability.

Children will depend on the praise that he is not sure the success of his actions before he heard the praise given.

So, praise effectively. Determine the actions needed praise. How can the words, hugs, smiles, and nodding in approval.