Monday, July 11, 2011

9 Local News Popular on Twitter Throughout 2009

Trending Topics Twitter constantly bring up the middle 10 news ngetrends each time. Data Twitter users in Indonesia by TwitterHolic there are more than 10,000, although few in number but 10 topics ngetrend (Trending Topics) on twitter is always present as one of the local news.
Trending Topics is a collection of conversation topics or themes that are hot-warm discussed by the "citizens" twitter. Well, below is the ninth most popular local news on Twitter during the year 2009 quoted from Okezone.
1. Jakarta Bomb 
July 17, 2009 Jakarta again rocked by bomb. Events that occurred on 2 hotel had entered the top 5 topics ngetrend beat the topic of Michael Jackson in position 6.The topic of Jakarta being in second place. However, the topic of Harry Potter is still dominating the twitter community.

2. Mbah Surip 
Trendy singer's death "Never Wear" 4 Agutus ago seized the attention of twitter.Topics Surip Mbah a topic ngtrend beat the top position on the topic of Bill Clinton and get rid of the topic of Michael Jackson.

3. Batik 
Topics ngtrend about Batik there are actually two, the first "Batik Happy Day" and two "Batik" itself. Happy Day Batik Batik There was rated seventh in position 9. This topic ngetrend after inaugurating batik UNESCO as one of the cultural heritage of Indonesia on 2 October last.

4. IndonesiaUnite
After the second bomb blast in Jakarta, shortly after residents voiced IndonesiaUnite twitter as a movement of awareness of Indonesia does not fear the terror. This topic could be at the top ngetrend topic.
5. BukaSemangatBaru 
Coin A Chance, a social movement that gathers 'coins' or coin to help children out of school recently launched a new program, 'Coin-Collecting Tweets' (CCT). CCT programs present the cooperation between the Coin A Chance with a soft drink company Coca Cola. Through CCT, donors who are outside Jakarta can channel their pennies by installing hashtag # bukasemangatbaru on Twitter. One hashtag would be appreciated approximately Rp100.

6. Quake 
Inside the microblogging site, there are at least three keywords that are entered in the list of most popular, namely, 'Jakarta', 'Quake' and 'Earthquake. And of the three, said most of the incoming earthquake, by ranks fifth. Earthquakes which took place in October this direct attention of Twitter users.

7. IndonesiaBanget 
In November, a hashtag inadvertently formed. Hashtag with the headline # IndonesiaBanget it shows the uniqueness of Indonesia-uniqueness. Although there was no one but the position of # IndonesiaBanget quite satisfied perched in second position. No wonder. Because the hashtag is capable of producing approximately 8500's tweet in the next 16 minutes.

8. PendetDance 
There are three categories Pendet hashtag for this on twitter, which is # PendetDance, # PendetIndonesia, and # of Bali. Fortunately, each of these topics into the top 10 trending topics on Twitter. Hashtag This comes after news of the action which claims Pendet Malaysia is a neighbor country culture is spread through a video Visit Malaysia. Suddenly, residents Twitter directly inform the world via Twitter, in this way.

9. Miyabi 
Last October, film Miyabi into controversy. Because the film is really going to involve a Japanese porn star, Maria Ozawa, or better known as Miyabi. Although it does not occupy the top position, but with the headline hashtag Miyabi had occupied the top 10 in a trending topic on Twitter.