I've known some pretty savvy, creative engaged couples looking for ways to pay for their weddings. Typically, people work overtime at work, restrict themselves from any unneccesary spending, sell a car, or something similar. I know one entreprenureal groom who set himself up as a car detailer and solicited friends and aquaintances for detailing jobs. He got some! Several couples I know have held garage or yard sales to raise some much needed cash. Another couple even had a car wash!
If you find yourself over budget and under funded, these are all great money making ideas! Decide for yourselves how badly you'd like to (or need to) pad your wedding budget account and go get some creativity flowing. You could work extra hours, sell an unneccesary asset or extra stuff, somehow use publicity or advertising to trade for free services, use skills or talents to earn extra $$.
Got any ideas? Please share...